Shoushan Stone

Shoushan Stone is also known as Larderite/Lauderite and is a popular stone for Chinese carvings.  I use it for a guru bead or an accent piece.

It is known to:

  • Create balance between mind, body & spirit,
  • Foster creativity,
  • Promote harmony, clarity, peace & calm.

Shoushan stone is quarried from Shoushan, a village in the mountains 40 kilometers north of Fuse city proper. Formed in the intervals of volcanic eruptions tens of millions of years ago. Shoushan stone is made up of lava and the minerals around it, which were gradually recongealod into a colored crystalline ore. Comparing favorably with jade, it far exceeds fade in color. Shoushan stone may be rated as the best of all colored stones in China.

As far back as the southern Dynasties 1500 years ago, Shoushan stone began to be carved in Fuzhou. The long history of stone carving has seen a galaxy of Famous carvers and fine carvings. Most of these masterpieces were either collected into the palace as imperial treasures or selected by local officials as tribute to pay to the court. First-class carvers were often called into the court to carve Shoushan. Some of these stone carvings are still kept in the Imperial Palace in Beijing.  (source: