2024 personal Tarot Forecast

Welcome to Your Personal Roadmap for 2024!

Unlock the Mysteries of the New Year with Our Exclusive Tarot Forecast Service

Are you ready to navigate the twists and turns of 2024 with clarity and insight? Buddhas & Butterflies presents a unique opportunity for you to gain personal insights through our virtual Tarot Forecast service!

What’s in Store for You?

Personalized Tarot Reading: Our experienced tarot reader, Angela, will pull the cards to unveil the energies surrounding your life in 2024.

Email Delivery: No need to wait! Your detailed Tarot Forecast will be sent straight to your inbox, providing you with a convenient and private experience.

Insights for the New Year: Discover opportunities, challenges, and key themes that will shape your journey in the coming year.

How It Works

  1. Select Your Package: Choose from our range of Tarot Forecast packages tailored to meet your needs.
  2. Provide Your Details: Share some basic information about yourself to help our reader connect with your energy.
  3. Receive Your Tarot Forecast: Within 48 hrs, you’ll receive a personalized email detailing the cards drawn and their meanings for your personal 2024 journey.

Exclusive Offer:

As a special treat, our early birds will receive an extra card pull from one of my beautiful Oracle Deck. Don’t miss the chance to start your year on a mystical note! Anyone purchasing the Forecast before Jan 5, 2024 will receive a digital Mystickal Tarot Journal!

Why Choose Buddhas & Butterflies?

Trusted Experts: Our tarot readers and mediums bring years of experience and genuine insights to every reading.

Privacy and Convenience: Enjoy the benefits of a virtual reading from the comfort of your home.

Positive Vibes: We believe in spreading positivity and helping you make the most of the opportunities that lie ahead.

Ignite the Magic of 2024

Ready to uncover the secrets that the universe has in store for you? Embrace the magic of our Tarot Forecast service today!

Buddhas & Butterflies – Your Gateway to Spiritual Enlightenment